Then he cast the statue aside and flung him deep into the past.
No one knows how he managed to transform Hype into a statue. Courageously, at this dramatic moment, Hype stepped forward but unfortunately, the black knight was too strong for him. The black knight advanced toward the king and demanded the throne. But at the very same moment, a terrible black knight appeared such a mysterious being had never been seen before. This was a great honor and everyone was delighted, especially his betrothed, Vibe. Hype was the champion of the kingdom and to reward him for his loyal services, Queen Lyzoth presented him with a powerful sword of peace. A very long time ago in the kingdom of Torras, King Taskan IV and his queen Lyzoth were celebrating the end of the civil war and had invited everyone to a fabulous banquet. Right, the reason I've come down to Earth for a moment is to tell you the legend of the great knight, Hype. Today, I am the guardian of time, hah-hah, I've already done all the more mundane jobs.
Finally, go to and run Ubiassistant.exe and choose 3DFX configuration.Good day, my name is Gogoud a former magician. Install nGlide wrapper, if you haven't already. GO to a folder Compatibility and run PatchInstall.bat to add the compatibility entries to system's database. Go to a folder, where you've extracted the files from installation package. for Polish it's Language=Polish - incorrect language will make all the characters mute). If your language is different than English, edit ubi.ini, find a line Language=English under section and change it to a language you're using in your copy (e.g. If you had other Ubisoft products installed that use the same application, you have to manually edit ubi.ini adding Hype - The Time Quest under as well as the section responsible for game configuration (just copy lines from to from ubi.ini provided in installation package). From config folder copy ubi.ini to %WINDIR%\UbiSoft. Download installation package for Hype: The Time Quest and extract it. From InstData directory on your CD, copy strings.eng to %WINDIR%\UbiSoft. In such case, do not replace any of the files. It may be possible that the folder already exists, as it's shared with other Ubisoft product of that era. From the root directory of your CD copy files: DSETUP.DLL, DSETUP16.DLL, DSETUP32.DLL and SetupUbi.exe to a newly created %WINDIR%\UbiSoft. Go to the Windows directory ( %WINDIR%). When asked about scaling folders, answer yes. Go back to a root folder of your CD and go to LangData\\world\.
Copy all files from UbiConfig folder to.Copy MaiDFXvr_bleu.exe from Glide 3x folder copy to.Copy MaiD3Dvr_bleu.exe from D3D folder to.Copy folders DLL, Gamedata and InstData to.From the root directory of your CD copy files: DSETUP.DLL, DSETUP16.DLL, DSETUP32.DLL to.Create a folder named Hype somewhere on your hard drive (from now on, we'll be referring to it as ).